

McCordsville Downtown Plan

This project is a planning process to develop a phased concept plan for the development of the Town Center area. The primary goal of this work will be to develop concept plans for the Town Center area and determine a phased plan approach to development, a possible schedule and determine preliminary costs for each phase. WHY A TOWN CENTER?  1. Develop a unique identity and character for our community.  For far too long, McCordsville has been a residential extension of Lawrence and Fishers. The residents and officials alike want to develop a unique identity and character for McCordsville which will celebrate our history and heritage as a community. 2. Form a connected, walkable town center to create experiences for our community. We want to develop a destination in McCordsville which attracts and draws visitors into the core of the Town to experience the culture, enjoy the social events and patronize the local businesses. We want the area to be walkable and connect with our growing trail system. 3. Enhance community economic development opportunities while growing a diversified tax base. We need to create opportunities for developments of all kinds in order to continue growing our tax base. Housing, retail and office options are all important to growing our community.


Photos, text and imagery about the history of the Town of McCordsville


A outline of the planning process.


Photos, text and imagery about inventory.

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The below images where presented to the steering committee August 21, 2019/ 

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The below images where presented to the Advisory Plan Commission December 17, 2019.   Click here to download the PDF of the slides.  

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