Q: Why a Town Center?

1. Develop a unique identity and character for our community.  In many ways, McCordsville has been perceived as a residential extension of Lawrence and Fishers. McCordsville residents and officials alike want to develop a unique identity and character for the Town which will celebrate our proud history and heritage as a community.

2. Form a connected, walkable town center to create experiences for our community. We desire a destination in McCordsville which attracts and draws visitors into the core of the Town to experience the culture, enjoy social events, and patronize local businesses. We envision a walkable, beautiful place to connect with our growing trail system.

3. Enhance community economic development opportunities while growing a diversified tax base. We seek opportunities for diverse development that will continue to grow and stabilize a healthy tax base. Housing, retail, and office options are all important to growing our community.

Q: How long is this planning process?

A: The project started in July 2018 and expected to be completed in December of 2018.

Q: Can anyone participate?

A: Yes, this is a community-input driven process and the outcome and future recommendations will be driven by the needs and vision articulated by the community members.

Q: How do I participate?

A: Through the “Participate” section of this website. You can provide open-ended questions, suggestions, respond to the online survey, learn the dates of public meetings and share feedback through Facebook and Twitter.

Q: Who is responsible for this study?

A: Town of McCordsville has hired Context Design, a well recognized firm headquartered in Fortville, to assist with the development of the Downtown Plan. The primary contact is Fred Prazeau, Partner and supported by Liz Mooney, Project Manager and Joe Mayes, Senior Associate.  Learn more about McCordsville and the Design Team.