Planning Downtown McCordsville

Learn more about the project, connect with the team, give input, and discover how to be involved. As the process proceeds, additional information and details will be posted within this site.

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View the Draft Plan

Learn about the Draft Plan

McCordsville Downtown Plan

This planning process will develop a phased Concept Plan for the development of a Town Center in McCordsville. A strong blend of community input, Advisory Group participation, and engagement with local business and community leaders will inform the vision plan.  A series of recommendations will accompany the plan, including cost projections, policy and governance suggestions, and phasing scenarios.


1. Develop a unique identity and character for our community.  In many ways, McCordsville has been perceived as a residential extension of Lawrence and Fishers. McCordsville residents and officials alike want to develop a unique identity and character for the Town which will celebrate our proud history and heritage as a community.

2. Form a connected, walkable town center to create experiences for our community. We desire a destination in McCordsville which attracts and draws visitors into the core of the Town to experience the culture, enjoy social events, and patronize local businesses. We envision a walkable, beautiful place to connect with our growing trail system.

3. Enhance community economic development opportunities while growing a diversified tax base. We seek opportunities for diverse development that will continue to grow and stabilize a healthy tax base. Housing, retail, and office options are all important to growing our community.

NEXT Public Meetings

Tuesday, December 17, 2019 6:30pm
Location: Town Hall

TUESDAY, January 14, 2020 7pm
Location: Town Hall